Let's Change the Food Industry!

Let's Change the Food Industry!
Photo by Kristina Tripkovic / Unsplash

Let's do it! You can, and you should change the food industry! Your dinner choice has a bigger impact than you imagine. Want to save the world? Want to make a change? The change is in your decision of where to eat today.

TLDR: Eat at authentic, small places where you are welcome if you have no time to make dinner. Support small businesses, support yourself instead of fast food chains.

Have you ever wondered about how your dinner choice impacts the economy? I mean, it’s okay if you haven’t had time. I was not aware of my impact either. When I went back to work in the food industry I could slow down and see how people choosing their lunch/dinner.

Now I’m there in the kitchen and observing.

Since no one asks what my fresh eyes see, I’m here to tell you.

I work at a big corporation’s food department and also in a small deli (when they need extra hand). And let me tell you, there is a huge difference in what can you get for your money for the same food.

It’s a busy Saturday afternoon. I’m at work and wish I could be somewhere else while facing all these hangry people. Doing a boring job and wondering what the hell is wrong with the world.

Why do people hate their bodies?
Why do people buy food they don’t need?
Why do they buy food when they are already on the edge of being angry?
What void they are filling with snacks?

I miss my other job at a deli where everyone knows everyone and all the meals are prepared with care. Where the profit benefits a family and immigrants, and where every coin counts. I miss the passion of the kitchen. I miss the need to deliver extraordinary sandwiches.

I miss being part of a group.

Big Corporate Sucks

Nothing new on the horizon. All I can add to this is a new perspective of why. Big corporate sucks because when you work hard, harder, and a bit more; when you care about every little detail on your plate, your surroundings, and your feelings the result gets unnoticed.

Here is one fast example: you made your first coffee art, you are excited and someone put a lid on it, never looks at it anymore, and is pissed off of waiting three seconds more for their coffee.

Here is one slow example: you made the fluffiest sandwich and the chef next to you is happy with you and encourages you to try again.

These moments can lift you up or wrench your gut. No one wants to feel that they are wasting their life on something that makes zero difference.

So why would you support the fast food industry instead of the slow one?

Yeah, money can be an answer but look at what you support in the long run. It’s you and your body.

Change is on the Menu

Anyway, here is my recipe on how to save the world today!

Make going out for dinner a culinary experience.

Make a big fuss about it. Let’s make it a celebration, dress up, and try to be our best while eating.

It will make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and in other family’s life too. Your body is worth it, your health is worth it and your soul will love it too.

Let’s exchange food and money for happiness and memory.

Eat at a small authentic place. Eat at a place where you are welcome. Support the delis, where your appearance is awaited.

The small and the big places both care about food safety, food freshness, and prices. But fast food doesn’t care about the people who make your meal.

To be fair, I’m a big fan of cooking at home. Cooking with my kids, friends or strangers is the best. If you buy the ingredients you also come out cheaper. But as a mother, I acknowledge that some days are hard and cooking is not an option. On those days, look for the ones who were thinking about you and made food for you.

Thank you for reading! And a big thank you if you choose to cook at home or a small place instead of fast food today.

The Witty Witch