Find The Rainbow of Hope

Find The Rainbow of Hope
Photo by Thierry Meier / Unsplash

The sea is an amazingly wise place. I always find what I’m looking for on the beach. Even if I don’t know what I’m looking for. Especially when I don’t even know I’m missing something in my life. In this case, hope and change are what I needed.

It was the very end of August. I went to the beach to swim as I usually do in the summer season. Right after I arrived, people started to pack their stuff.

Something started to bother them. It was a bit weird, but I actually didn’t mind. It’s good to be alone. It’s a pleasure to have the sea for me only. But as soon as I undressed, I realized what made people packing.

It was dripping

I looked up in the sky and went in anyway. The cloud over my head seemed dark and heavy.

But being pro at analyzing clouds — from my previous job, where I posted fun facts daily- I knew the rain wouldn’t last long — maximum five more minutes of rain.

I was the only one in the water

I swam on. The circumstances were a bit unfortunate. Just like in life, sometimes. Then, the waves crashed over my head. Saltwater was running from my nose. The majestic sea also rinsed my ears, mouth, and eyes. I felt so gorgeous and clean.

Shore people started to scream and run from the beach to the café.
Yeah, I thought I had to reassess my plan. I felt utterly alone but not lonely. Just like in life, sometimes.

I swam in the sea with one eye open. I forgot to mention. The so-called dripping turned into torrential rain, so I couldn’t open both my eyes.

Also, I looked like an unleashed lunatic

I swam against the tide, but I wasn’t making headway. My inner anxious voice told me, “Sometimes things don’t work out. It’s okay to leave. You will come back next time.” If I could have turned around, I would have, but another voice said: “I’m not giving up. I’m going to use all this for my writing.”

Yeah, probably to put on my “What not to do list!” said the Witty Witch in me. But instead of making fun of myself, I started swimming even more against the tide. And then, out of the blue, I connected the dots.

I realized that’s what I do every goddamn time when the circumstances are not right.

I never give up on what I think is right.

I keep going. I keep going until I feel defeated. Until I become so mentally weak that I can’t keep up.

I was surprised by what this swim has brought out of me.

Suddenly, I stopped. I need to change this behaviour. I put my feet down.

I was thinking. If I don’t keep up, what do I do instead?

I was standing- or rather tiptoeing- and trying my best to withstand the waves. The rain suddenly stopped, and the sun came out. Everything happened so fast. I looked up to the sky and saw a rainbow.

I thought: Of course, after rain comes a rainbow. But how is this sudden rainbow an answer?

I wasn’t thinking, just acting naturally. I started swimming again. Still against the tide but backward. I wanted to keep my eyes on the rainbow. What does that mean? I have no idea. It can mean a lot of things. You tell me!

I saw it as an advice for life

I will find myself in difficult, challenging, or trying situations. The waves come again and again. And I can choose not to fight them. There are no winners in this fight — well, except in this particular situation because I’m just a silly human in the water.

Next time, I will stop and focus on the positive things before I continue on my journey. I’ll just ride the waves and be myself.

I won’t give up, but I need to take care of myself. Watching the rainbow won’t help me succeed, but it will help me not give up.

Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think.

The Witty Witch